Politics - News Analysis

Trump Sinks to All-Time New Low With New Biden Cocaine Accusation, ‘We Can’t Have a President That’s on Cocaine!’

Ever since that small container of cocaine was discovered at the White House, bonkers right-winger conspiracy theories have been spilling forth — with a surprising number being promulgated by Donald Trump.

But then what else is new? This isn’t unusual for him, after all.

As Raw Story notes, Trump began by claiming the blow may have belonged to Hunter Biden. He has struggled with substance abuse in the past, however, on this particular occasion, Hunter was at Camp David when the container was likely dropped. But then he suggested it was dropped to special counsel Jack Smith and remarked that he “looks like a crackhead.” He switched things up on Wednesday, asserting that President Joe Biden himself was “probably” on drugs. He upped the ante on Wednesday during an interview with Wayne Allyn Root, a far-right talk radio host Wednesday. He remarked (evidence-free) of course, that Joe Biden is given cocaine by his staffers so that he’ll stay alert during speeches.

“What is your reaction when you see cocaine in the White House?” Root asked. “Can you even believe that’s possible?”

Of course, Trump used the interview for a little self-promotion.

“Well, you saw I put out a Truth,” the former president said. “I know most of your people are on Truth because I think Truth is better than anything out there. But I put out a Truth. It’s in my opinion, it’s Hunter and probably Joe, because, you know, you watch Joe at the beginning of his speech and he’s got a little life, not much, but he’s got a little life by the end of the speech, he’s a disaster. He can’t even find his way off the — so there’s something going on there. And I wouldn’t be surprised if it was for both of them. I think it’s for both of them. But that’s my opinion.”

Well, that’s certainly true. According to a memorandum from Biden’s White House physician’Kevin O’Connor, the president is in good health, something that would be unlikely if he was snorting coke.

But Root decided to brown-nose Trump.

“I said, great minds think alike,” he told Root. “I said that on my TV show this morning. I said it’s either Hunter or it’s Joe because he’s so bad that before each speech and interview they probably need to give him something to juice him up. Do you think they pump him up?”

“No, I think they pump them up, ” Trump posited. “And I think, we can’t have a president that’s on cocaine. When you’re dealing with nuclear weapons and everything else, you know? We’re dealing, and you’ve heard me say this, President Xi, all these guys, these are at the top of their game. These are smart, whether you like them or their country or their, their policies, you know, which are pretty tough policies.”

When you consider that many people have claimed Trump seemed to be “on” something, his suggestion that Biden may be using kind of falls flat.

And I still haven’t heard anyone say whether Donald Trump Jr. has visited the White House recently. We all know about his bizarre behavior.

Here’s a brief clip of Trump’s interview with Root below.

meet the author

Megan has lived in California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida and she currently lives in Central America. Living in these places has informed her writing on politics, science, and history. She is currently owned by 15 cats and 3 dogs and regularly owns Trump supporters when she has the opportunity. She can be found on Twitter at https://twitter.com/GaiaLibra and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/politicalsaurus


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