Politics - News Analysis

Completely ‘Out of It’ Trump Tells Huge Lie to His Iowa Cult Members and They Fall for It

Trump is campaigning!

Not surprising, the alternative is sitting around preparing for the indictments that are about to come down this week, that – of course, pile upon those that have already been filed.

He is innocent until proven guilty, and we’ll follow that premise. But criminal liability is different than just being a “bad guy,” and Trump is definitely a bad guy, and like all prospective felons, Trump is out, lying his ass off to Iowans:

“So when other candidates came here, they had, like, six people,” indicted felon still in the GOP nomination race Donald Trump tells a crowd of cultists at a fair in Iowa in his typical lying dick-measuring contest. “We have, like, thousands. [garbled] … stopped at three different places. We’ve, uh, never been treated so well. You know we got Iowa–you know this–[something] from China. Twenty-eight billion. Nobody else got you ten cents.”

The reality of Trump’s claim is, obviously, dubious. What he may be discussing is the agricultural aid funds his administration had to spend to bailout farmers who were adversely impacted by Trump’s own trade wars. His first bailout was a $12 billion handout in July 2018; it was followed up with an additional $16 billion in May 2019.

The bolded portion is to highlight the sloppy writing in what is otherwise a good article in National Zero, Trump is not a “felon” until he’s found guilty.

Moving on to the important point. It has always amazed me how people that run around calling Democrats “communists” or socialists are perfectly fine when the government is delivering money to them.

Trump’s claim and statement is also a testament to the fact that he’s actually not a Republican. The GOP was virtually built on the idea of free trade, something Democrats initially opposed due to union concerns but then grew to see the benefits (You don’t see Biden implementing tariffs).

The “Businessman” president is too stupid to understand that the tariffs he leveled on China were paid by the American people. (Hence free trade being the best system). China simply increased the cost of its goods.

So Trump is back on the trail, better than trial, lying to the voters, just like he’ll lie to jurors. I am sure Iowans are thrilled. Far too many are.


[email protected] and @JasonMiciak on Twitter

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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