Politics - News Analysis

Trump Says That Former White House Doctor Ronny Jackson Told Him He’s Healthier Than Obama

I just can’t. Seriously, this is just so doggone funny I don’t even know what to say. Trump gave a speech in Iowa on Wednesday and as he often does he went on one of his crazy tangents. This one was about how incredibly healthy he is, both physically and mentally.

“I just took a physical, you’ll be happy to hear… I passed with flying colors. And I took a cognitive exam. I said, ‘Doctor, give me anything you want. I want to take it,’” Trump said, apparently referencing a letter his doctor released in September. The letter was an absolute joke. Dr. Bruce Aronwald claimed Trump’s performance on cognitive exams was “exceptional,” and his physical results “were well within the normal range.” But important details like weight, blood pressure, cholesterol and medications taken were totally missing.

Trump went on to praise his former White House doctor, Ronny Jackson, who is now a Texas congressman not shy about speaking out negatively about Biden’s acuity, and willing to say that Trump could live to be 200 years old because he’s just so dang healthy.

“He was Obama’s doctor, too, by the way. I said, ‘Who’s healthier?’ He said, ‘Sir, there’s no contest,’” Trump asserted. “I won’t tell you the answer, but you know the answer, okay? It was me.”

And this isn’t the first time Trump has made such an assertion. At the CPAC Texas conference in August last year Trump talked about the physical exams he received while in office. Then he mentioned what Jackson said about him.

“He loved looking at my body. It was so strong,” Trump said. “But he said I’m the healthiest president that’s ever lived. I was the healthiest. I said, I like this guy.”


So Trump is healthier than Obama, who regularly played basketball and other high aerobic sports. As opposed to Trump who plays golf and uses the golf cart so often that he even uses it on the green, which is apparently a major no-no in golf world.

Can you imagine Trump doing even one pushup? And can you imagine the scene of him trying to get up after doing said pushup? They’d probably need a crane to lift that gelatinous slob from the ground.

Yep, this guy below is healthier than Obama. GIVE ME A BREAK!!!

It’s truly unreal. That Trump would say something so obviously untrue that it’s embarrassing. The man truly has zero shame.


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