Politics - News Analysis

Lauren Boebert Absolutely Humiliated in Her New District as Its Residents Want NOTHING to Do With Her

There’s only one other thing I love more than watching Donald Trump fall flat on his face, and that’s watching Lauren Boebert fall flat on hers. Which she did recently, during her second GOP in her new district. By being ignored. Of course, she normally causes her own embarrassing problems, but this was completely on those running the debate, and thank Dog for them.

Boebert may make an amoeba seem intelligent, but despite this fact, she knows how to use social media to keep herself front and center, but that sure wasn’t the case at the debate, The Colorado Sun and LGBTQNation report. Indeed, her GOP primary opponents focused on the issues, and “almost entirely ignored,” the rabidly anti-LGBTQ congresswoman. They left Beetlejuice Boebert in the dust.

Only one candidate took the time to insult Boebert onstage at the Monday evening debate. Chris Phelen asked the audience, “Are you sick and tired of people that are coming to Congress just to get more social media hits, likes — whatever they’re doing? I am — and that’s what I think someone up on this stage is doing.”

Boebert fired back by saying her attempts at passing legislation during her first term have been stymied by Democratic leadership. Then she defended her social media presence by saying she has “used that bully pulpit to get a lot of things done.”

“Bully pulpit” is an apt term for Boebert’s X profile. The GOP congresswoman from Silt, Colorado has used it to attack the LGBTQ+ community cruelly. A 2022 report from the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) noted that Boebert’s X account (which was still Twitter at the time) was the third largest source of anti-transgender misinformation on the social media platform, right after right-wing pundit James Lindsay and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green (R-Ga.)

But after that exchange, Boebert was pretty much ignored. This was a departure from the first GOP primary debate in January. In this instance, all of Boebert’s eight opponents agreed they would not support her candidacy if they weren’t running. And one candidate, state Rep. Mike Lynch, called her a carpetbagger, meaning in this case, someone who tries to get elected in an area that they have little connection to. LGBTQNation reports this term is often applied to career politicians who are deemed selfish and unscrupulous. Donald Trump, is this you?

I think Lynch’s description is apt, don’t you agree?

Rep. Richard Holtorf questioned before the debate, “Does she think we’re that stupid? Does she think we’re going to be fooled by this trickery? Seat shopping isn’t something voters look kindly on.”

Boy, do I ever hope he’s correct.

Boebert may have been ignored, but that doesn’t mean she kept her trap shut. Nope, she attacked the others, excoriating those who opposed a national abortion ban and for supporting aid to Ukraine.

Boebert also referred to their scorecards from the Colorado Liberty Republicans. In this group, she has a 100 percent “liberty score” and “A” rating. Some of the less crazy opponents received Ds and Fs in the past which Boebert called “embarrassing.”

“When you say that you are a ‘no-nonsense conservative’ and have a failing conservative voting record, that is a problem,” she said.

It’s only a problem if equate “Liberty” with bullying other people who don’t meet with your approval because of your backwards a$$ beliefs. Which is Boebert in a nutshell. While she’s so high on her score from this obviously repressive group, she received a score of “0” on HRC’s Congressional Scorecard during her first term in office. At the time she showed her solid opposition to LGBTQ+ equality. Not only did she vote against LGBTQ+ legislation, she also held a press conference in front of Congress to prevent the Equality Act — which would add sexual orientation and gender identity to the list of classes protected in the federal civil rights law — effectively presenting it from passing when Congress voted on it in 2021. Her claim, at the time, was that the law would be used to take children from their parents if the parents refused to give their kids access to gender-affirming care, which is pure b.s. This wasn’t even in the bill.

This is the kind of person Lauren Boebert is. She bullies transgendered kids but thinks it’s fine to put on a very public display of h@rniness at the Beetlejuice musical at the Buell Theater in Denver. It was disgusting and she was thrown out. Which is what she deserves.

Now let’s throw her out of Congress. She deserves it.

meet the author

Megan has lived in California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida and she currently lives in Central America. Living in these places has informed her writing on politics, science, and history. She is currently owned by 15 cats and 3 dogs and regularly owns Trump supporters when she has the opportunity. She can be found on Twitter at https://twitter.com/GaiaLibra and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/politicalsaurus


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