Politics - News Analysis

‘Anonymous’ Challenges U.S. Authorities to Investigate Donald Trump Ties to Jeffery Epstein

One of the clear symptoms that this country is irretrievably broken under Donald Trump is the fact that even when Jeffery Epstein was arrested, none of us had any real hope that the entire history would be investigated.

William Barr was already Attorney General, Barr seems willing to do anything Trump told him to do or told him not to do, and thus any investigation that might have gone forward would likely skate around Trump.

Of course, then there was Epstein’s suspicious death. Epstein could have committed suicide, and then there is still a darker possibility. We have no faith in the system, so questions still linger. That’s a symptom.

But the system didn’t need to stop the investigation into Epstein and his networks just because Epstein is dead. In fact, his death was all the more reason to investigate Epstein’s network because Epstein wasn’t around to “help us.” And isn’t that strange? No one really knew how Epstein made the money that allowed him to own an island, the most expensive residence in Manhattan, and a ranch in New Mexico, yet no one seems to be investigating it. Odd.

There was a lot of talk that Trump was involved with Epstein back in the day, and a lot of talk that Trump got into the “modeling business” to prey on young teenage girls. The talk includes some allegations by his alleged victims. Yet none of this has been investigated, and seemingly none will, at least by the United States. For now, it is all talk.

We haven’t heard much about Anonymous in recent years. They had been defanged years ago. Perhaps it is making a comeback. They are challenging Western governments to investigate Trump’s ties to sex-trafficking in and out of Eastern European countries. Anonymous used to strike fear in the hearts of anyone with a computer base. Who knows whether they still can. They can make a point, though:

Ignore the tweet asserting that Anonymous “knows” what the Russians have on Trump because it hasn’t been proven. It is simply another allegation. But the request below does seem to be a challenge laid at the feet of western governments.

This site has often wondered why other nations, particularly the 5 Eyes, made up of the U.S., the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, haven’t released some of the information they surely have on Donald Trump, be it simply banking issues or something deeper. Why has the German government not compelled Deutsche Bank to release some records? Germany is probably the country with the most to lose if Russia is empowered and the United States diminished. We cannot know, perhaps there is nothing, though that seems tenuous, at best.


Perhaps some real challenges do need to be laid down. Unfortunately, the information is not going to come from hackers or from internet threats. But the Anonymous tweet serves one useful purpose and that is to ask a very specific question: Why has there been so little investigation into all things Epstein? We might all suspect we know the answer, the intelligence communities themselves might have seen Epstein as useful. But perhaps there is a bigger threat now.

Tough to tell. But it’s impossible to tell without any real investigation and we’re not hearing anything.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on twitter @MiciakZoom

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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