Politics - News Analysis

Fox Host Asserts that Biden’s Bike Ride is Proof His ‘Senility’ is Getting Worse, ‘Just Compare it to Trump!’

It truly was inevitable. We have seen the pattern over and over again. Republicans do not come up with new criticism of a Democratic president, they simply borrow the criticism lobbed by Democrats at the last president.

When one speaks like Trump speaks, complete gibberish, there are going to be questions about his mental acuity. When a person in their mid-70s battles a water glass against gravity, questions will be asked. Someone asked Trump questions, someone said it was amazing that he remember, “person, man…” you’ve heard it all before.

So Biden comes along.

President Biden is not a young pup. He clearly doesn’t have the energy he once did. We have yet to see someone in their late 70s who did have the same energy as when he or she was 30. But unlike Trump, whatever “edge” Biden has lost in quick thinking, he’s gained in experience and wisdom. We cannot think of a person who’s experienced more. Gut-wrenching tragedy, a second marriage to perhaps the world’s coolest and prettiest chick, and kicked Trump’s ass in a presidential election to occupy the White House and be “the most powerful man on earth.” That and a lot of other sh*t covers a lot of ground.

Trump golfed and sat half his ass in a cart as he zoomed off before anyone else hit their ball. Biden goes for a bike ride. Guess which one Rachel Campos-Duffy thinks proves senility? Speaking of which, we’re a little tired of reporting on absolutely indefensible comments Rachel makes each weekend in a desperate attempt to make herself relevant. Still, it’s worth noting because reasons:

“Being the leader of the free world has to be the most demanding job in the whole world and he simply does not have the mental or physical stamina to do this job. That is why his handlers and his wife, who by the way look increasingly like Visiting Angels, have to schedule in these senior breaks for him so he can take naps and go for bike rides because he can’t concentrate on the job the way he should.”  – Fox News host Rachel Campos-Duffy.

Would she prefer if he drove one of those little Walmart carts around? Kinda like Trump only not as pretentious? And who the fck gave her Biden’s sleep schedule? Most people would think that a guy who works his ass off all week and then takes some time for a good bike ride on the weekend to get some exercise and refresh not only has some stamina but far more common sense than Rachel. What does she do to relax?

Actually, we don’t want to know.

Here is what we do know. Provided that Rachel is speaking English in that comment – debatable – it’s a great sign. If she’s reaching that level of desperation? It is nothing more than proof that she’s the one who’s lost it. We shall keep a close eye on her, we all need entertainment from time to time.


[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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