Politics - News Analysis

Watch Mainstream Media Now Call Out Trump’s Health -— ‘Morbidly Obese’ as Worries Mount About Virus

The virus is going to test the nation’s health. We are going to have to swing into action, doing all we can to prepare. We will have to do little things like stock up on medications, since doctors might be hard to see. We need canned and dry food in case there are days that stores are closed. And we need to identify those people in our lives who might be most susceptible to getting hit hard by the disease. Statistics show that the group most susceptible are people over 70 with underlying health conditions.

Ironically, that includes the man who keeps trying to downplay the severity of the threat, Trump. On Morning Joe, the crew mentioned that all three candidates for the presidency are advancing in age. Sanders has a heart condition, and as Mika pointed out, and Trump is “morbidly obese.”

It is actually true. It is also true that such a comment will drive Trump into fits of rage, which is kind of a nice thought, but it would be better if it just meant that Trump would buckle down that much more.

Joe certainly agreed and gave a rundown on the issues they all face. (Video down below):

“You can see the obesity, you can see by his diet that he is not healthy,” Scarborough agreed. “He is not in good shape. Bernie Sanders had a heart attack, he has an underlying condition. We don’t know about Joe Biden’s cardiac health, we don’t know. We know one thing, they’re all in their 70s. None of them look to be in tip-top shape, and they’re all, of all the people who are likely to have a severe reaction to coming in contact with a coronavirus, they’re all right in the center of that bullseye.”

Oh, I don’t know. Joe Biden looks more fit than he has in his life, even though he isn’t as young as he used to be. But certainly, the age of all three puts them in that group that is most vulnerable. It is something that people do need to consider.

“So the question is this, Mika, I mean, do they continue campaigning?” he added. “Do they continue going around shaking hands? Do they ignore the advice of Dr. [Anthony] Fauci? Or do they start doing what Ted Cruz and others are doing and back off and actually start quarantining themselves? Their doctors are going to have to answer that question in the next few days.”

Trump has already said that he doesn’t plan on stopping the rallies. Of course he did, such a nod to reality threatens his very identity. He continues to deny there’s a problem. It will likely go away miraculously, according to Trump. But it is an issue, the infamous germaphobe doesn’t like to shake hands, but there are other ways to acquire the disease.

It is something for the other two to consider. Perhaps they can adjust to holding more online forums, or stuff on TV. It is possible that more people will be home anyway, watching TV, on their phones or computers – perhaps all three at the same time, if you’re like my daughter. Maybe the campaign plans will adjust accordingly.

But Trump truly is unhealthy, no matter what his people are forced to say. One can see it in his body, his mental acuity, and his diet. People are noticing. Watch, and maybe take a few seconds to enjoy the fury this will instill in Trump:

Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom



meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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