Election 2020

Candace Owens Accuses Obama of ‘Hating America’ and Says He Has ‘Turned His Back on the Country’

Trump-supporting right-winger Candace Owens went off the deep end Thursday night, ripping Barack Obama, accusing him of repudiating the U.S. and asserting he’s the only president who’s ever begun “hating America,” after leaving the White House.

Obama has a memoir coming out Tuesday, and in it, he says he began to believe that having a black president caused “deep-seated panic, a sense that the natural order had been disrupted,” The Daily Mail reports. The former president notes that Trump used this concern to his advantage to win the 2016 election, and noting “for millions of Americans spooked by a Black man in the White House, he promised an elixir for their racial anxiety.”

Obama also apparently describes the Republican Party as propelling “xenophobia and conspiracy theories” to the forefront of the party, and apparently for Owens, who turned pro-Trump in 2017, them’s fighting words.

She refuses to call Joe Biden President-elect and she popped up on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program to criticize Obama’s comments regarding the Republican Party as “absolutely despicable.” Owens also used the opportunity to accuse him of showing little respect for the people who voted for him and a nation that “gave him literally everything he has.”

Owens also had criticism for Democrats in general, whom, she says see Black voters as a “means to an end.” She also asserted the Obama presidency didn’t do anything to help Black people because the party wants to keep them “a permanent voting block.”

But responding to a question about the former president claiming in his memoir “A Promised Land” that Republicans are xenophobic and paranoid,” and that President Trump is “delegitimizing democracy” and leading the country on a “dangerous path,” (which he said during a 60 Minutes interview) Owens came down harshly.

“The language that he’s using, the rhetoric that is coming out of former President Barack Obama’s mouth is absolutely despicable in my opinion,” Owens told Hannity.

“This is a man who ran on the American dream,” she said. “Everyone remembers where they were the night Barack Obama won. There was a kinetic energy on the ground that it felt like we finally had arrived at a place in this country where we could put the past on the past.”

“He ran on that image,” she continued. “He didn’t run on race, he didn’t run on denigrating half of Americans.”

She added a majority of the U.S. is white and noted “Barack Obama became the president of the United States because white Americans supported him.”

“Rather than sow some unity, rather than show some respect for this country that gave him literally everything he has, he turned his back on the country and he said look at this despicable country, it’s broken,'” she said, her voice tinged with anger. “He is the first president to have ever sat in the White House and come out of the White House hating America and that is what I believe about Barack Obama today.”

I get it that Owens is an intelligent woman, but I’ve never heard Obama say anything that makes me think he hates the U.S. and I’ve been writing on politics since 2012 at least. And Owens is tweeting silly things like this:

She fails to note Trump has sowed hate, division, and xenophobia on a level not seen since Andrew Jackson. Hate crimes have escalated, especially in 2019, the Southern Poverty Law Center notes and that has led the organization to ask followers to tell Trump to “take responsibility for the hate he’s unleashed.”

It would be nice if Owens acknowledged this. But she won’t.


meet the author

Megan has lived in California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida and she currently lives in Central America. Living in these places has informed her writing on politics, science, and history. She is currently owned by 15 cats and 3 dogs and regularly owns Trump supporters when she has the opportunity. She can be found on Twitter at https://twitter.com/GaiaLibra and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/politicalsaurus


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