GOP Hypocrisy

The Original MAGA, Sarah Palin is Angry — Will Run for Senate ‘If God Wants Her’

Everyone mocked Sarah Palin mercilessly back in 2008, and quite deservingly so. When asked which newspapers and media she utilized to keep abreast of all issues, she said “all of them,” unable to name one. (Sound familiar?)

She never once said that she could see Russia from her house, that was a ridiculous characterization of what she said. She did, however, claim that she had some international experience because – as governor of Alaska, there are islands in Alaska, from which one can see Russia. That is true. The fact that no human lives on those islands (nor much else, either) didn’t seem to impact the stupidity in that proximity of islands has nothing to do with foreign policy chops. But does the answer ring somewhat familiar?

People then mocked her due to rough family life, which was not deserved, that was simply malicious and voyeuristic, wanting her to be punished. It wasn’t right. She was punished enough for running as an unqualified candidate and then converting her “status” to cash. Piling on due to her family issues was simply taking joy in other people’s pain, the type of pain that shouldn’t cause any joy.

But, Sarah Palin was the O.G. MAGA, (the “Original Gangsta,” it is a compliment, in most contexts). The Republican party was very much coming around to accepting stupidity and sheer dogmatism, but it hadn’t quite arrived in full force. She was a woman before her time.

Now the time is right and Sarah knows it. Or, someone told Sarah. There is also a seat that may be vulnerable. Lisa Murkowski has opposed Trump on many issues, voting guilty on the second impeachment and voting against Kavanaugh. Have no doubt, Murkowski remains a Republican, she not expanding voting rights, she is not voting for the big Biden package, but she’s not a full Trumper, either.

Sarah was before her time. Now, though, she could be a star. She could be one of the sharper MAGAs, experienced, deeper, more mature, a player… but only if God wants her.

Many of us believe in God, at least a spiritual presence, something about “where two or more are gathered,” there is more than the sum of its parts, that “more” seems like God to us. But most of us have real trouble understanding direct messages. It is as if we speak a different language than God. Or, it could be that God’s language is set out quite clearly in some brief messages, “love one another,” and “blessed are the poor,” and something like “Good f’ing luck if you’re rich enough to buy your way into space with money that could’ve sent 50,000 kids to college,” things like that.

We don’t hear much a, “Yes, Sarah, it’s time! MAGA!”


[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak


meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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