Politics - News Analysis

Shocking Video Shows Trump Constantly Sniffing Through Iowa Event and People Think They Know Why

I’m not sure why so many people wonder why Donald Trump is constantly seen sniffing as opposed to such things as why he felt a need to try to overturn the 2020 election and thus embroil the nation in years and years of legal battles, but here we are. People wondering if it’s the Sudafed or the Adderall. That was the topic of the Decoding Fox News podcast, whose host Juliet Jeske observed “It’s the dead of winter in Iowa so I’m not sure how this could be caused by seasonal allergies. I’m not sure what causes this but none of the other candidates sniff so much.”

Well, I know about as much as she seems to which means I know nothing. I don’t know why Trump sniffs all the time. I have theories as to why he smells bad, which of course has caused a social media frenzy over the past few weeks. I don’t know why former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, has forgotten slavery was a thing during the Civil War, especially since she was also a former U.N. ambassador.

BoingBoing writer Mark Frauenfelder notes Trump’s apparent fondness for Sudafed, but apparently, the popular allergy remedy and tweaker assister (okay, I know that’s probably not a word) contains phenylephrine, not pseudoephedrine. The latter is used to make crystal meth and was moved behind the counter in 2006 as a result. In a way, this kind of fits in with Trump’s habit of promoting quack remedies, like bleach and hydroxychloroquine, for instance, which he did in the middle of the Covid pandemic.

That would be Trump. He stumbled his way through the pandemic and we know the result. For your amusement, I’ve added a clip of Trump and his aforementioned sniffs during his town hall last week.

And many people on Twitter responded with what they believe the issue is:


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