Politics - News Analysis

The Upcoming ‘Lecterngate’ Audit Is Going to Be Very, Very Bad for Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Remember when she faked like she paid someone twenty grand for a podium?

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the current governor of Arkansas, has been embroiled in a pretty convoluted controversy.

Like all Republicans — in fact, like the actual former president is facing a criminal case for — Sanders has been trying to hide the money she gave from taxpayers to give to friends from the IRS.

But her latest attempt at hiding “her” finances” is absolutely pathetic.

Sanders paid $19,029 for a portable lectern that she could take with her on trips. But as ridiculous as that already sounds, the fixture in question is worth nowhere near that.

Even if the lectern had all the features Sanders claims it has, journalist Matt Campbell writes, which it doesn’t, it wouldn’t be worth almost 20 grand.

So the most optimal turnout for Sanders is that she actually gave Victoria Beckett, who provided it, all that money for a podium worth maybe a tenth that amount.

And once you see the podium and mentally compare what it even looks like at a GLANCE with the price paid for it, you know that Sanders has no business even dabbling in taxpayer money.

Like her father and her former boss (when she was Trump’s press secretary), Sarah simply can’t be trusted.

As Campbell points out later in his fascinating Twitter (X) thread, if the purchase of the lectern — a term I assume you’ve noticed I’m using interchangeably with “podium” for clarity’s sake — was legitimate, then it should have gotten tagged with an “inventory control number,” but it wasn’t.

But if the purchase was legitimate, then the “sale” of it (at taxpayer expense) to the Arkansas Republican Party was against the law.

If Sanders and the ARGOP lied about buying the podium for that much money just to give someone money that they were indebted to, like a donor, then it is on its face a felony.

But adding to the absurdity of the whole case, Sanders has time and time again acted as though there’s “nothing to see here.”

How is that an appropriate response to a situation that says you’re either an idiot or a thief?

If their lawyers are smart, they’ll say that the state Party “reimbursed” the state for the purchase, like it was for them all along. But Sarah admitted pretty early on in this proceeding that SHE wanted it, so thumbs down, lawyers.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is about to have pretty awful week. This tweet thread explains it perfectly:

meet the author

Andrew is a dark blue speck in deep red Central Washington, writing with the conviction of 18 years at the keyboard and too much politics to even stand. When not furiously stabbing the keys on breaking news stories, he writes poetry, prose, essays, haiku, lectures, stories for grief therapy, wedding ceremonies, detailed instructions on making doughnuts from canned biscuit dough (more sugar than cinnamon — duh), and equations to determine the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow. A girlfriend, a dog, two cats, and two birds round out the equation, and in his spare time, Drewbear likes to imagine what it must be like to have spare time.


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