Politics - News Analysis

Trump Will Have a Full Blown Mental Breakdown When He Sees the Lincoln Project’s Newest Video

The incomparable Molly Jong-Fast of The Daily Beast put it perfectly, “The guy who fell asleep during the first day of his first criminal trial is the Republican nominee for president.”

I am currently working on a deep-dive essay for another publication in which I explore whether Trump can physically maintain himself while sitting through his eight-week trial. Yes, he fell asleep on his first day. Perhaps they overshot the Xanax dose on the first day and will dial it in better as the trial goes on.

The bigger concern should be this. Trump refuses to enter a room where he is not A) King, B) Adored, C) Allowed to mingle among the adoring, and D) Talk about how great he is while being adored. Think about it – as president, Trump didn’t go to liberal states, period. He was shamed into going to California, that’s about it. Did anyone see Trump give a speech in Boston? Seattle?

Even New York City isn’t big enough for him anymore; it’s confining, and very few like him. So he moved.

Now he has to sit for eight weeks in a room where he is not king, not adored, not allowed to mingle, and if he “talks,” he best be careful on that witness stand. Jurors smell out lies like quail dogs. I don’t know how he’s going to physically endure the next two months and then go campaign. I truly think it will mentally wear him down to a dangerous point.

The Lincoln Project is thinking along the same lines with two new videos.

The super PAC, which regularly creates videos and ads targeting Trump, reposted two of their videos on social media mocking the former president amid reports he fell asleep during the first day of his falsifying business records trial, as well as criticizing him for allegedly trying to intimidate a potential juror while in the courtroom.

In response, The Lincoln Project re-released an ad they first posted in February, which contained several examples of Trump rambling, making incoherent statements, or slurring his words during public speaking.

No. He is still not well and hasn’t been for some time. The second ad is almost the opposite. Instead of portraying Trump as sleepy and out of it, they show him very much awake, energized, dynamic… because he’s furious. They tie that tendency toward anger as a first reaction to his attempt to intimidate a juror. They move on to emphasize the danger and that when Trump invites people to attack, he knows exactly what he’s doing:

“How many judges do I have to endure before someone steps in.”

That is about as clear an invitation to kill or maim a judge or family member as it gets, and this particular ad should be played everywhere.


Jason Miciak is Executive Editor of Political Flare and an Editor at Large for Occupy Democrats. He can be reached at [email protected]

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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