Election 2020

Watch as Right-Wing Pastor Humiliates Himself by Sobbing and Begging God to Give Trump the Presidency

Right-wing pastor Robert Henderson was in the midst of a live stream titled “Petitioning The Courts of Heaven For America In Dangerous Times” when he decided to uncork the tears and beg God to allow Donald Trump to remain President, despite the fact that President-elect Joe Biden has won the election, according to DeadState.

God, if he does exist, has already made it pretty apparent that He doesn’t want Trump to serve another term, but this is lost on people like Henderson, who are allergic to the facts.

“We petition the courts and we ask, Lord, that as it is written in the books of Heaven, as it has been ordained in the counsels of Heaven, that President Donald J. Trump shall be reset and shall be reseated as the president of the United States of America,” Henderson said while praying, his voice cracking as he teared up. A young man dinked around on the keyboard while he spoke.

“You Lord will arise and you will cause my president (voice choking with emotion and copious tears) — my president, Donald J. Trump (additional copious tears), to be reset and to be reseated, Jesus… Would you grant that it be done, Lord?”

This isn’t the first time Henderson has worked himself up about Trump. During an appearance on The Jim Bakker Show last year, he broke into tears asking God to protect Trump, while at the same time claiming he interceded on Trump’s behalf in the courts of Heaven during the 2016 Republican primary, adding that he was, per Right Wing Watch, “directly responsible for Trump being elected president.”

“He’s God’s choice,” Henderson said. “They can try all day long to remove him, they will not remove him. God said, ‘I set him as the president,’ and they can fight and they can curse, and they can do all that they want; the problem is that they’re fighting against God.”

Perhaps God realized he goofed because He sure isn’t listening to Henderson or Johnny Enlow, another religious nutter, and QAnon conspiracy believer. Heck, even Pat Robertson knows Trump’s jig is up. Henderson can cry all he wants but God keeps telling folks the answer is NO!

Here’s Henderson’s weepiness below.

meet the author

Megan has lived in California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida and she currently lives in Central America. Living in these places has informed her writing on politics, science, and history. She is currently owned by 15 cats and 3 dogs and regularly owns Trump supporters when she has the opportunity. She can be found on Twitter at https://twitter.com/GaiaLibra and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/politicalsaurus


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